Telegram is a messaging app that prioritizes speed and security. Telegram allows for optional end-to-end encryption in private chats, and allows users to send large files, in addition to creating large group chats called channels.
Pavel Durov, a Russian entrepreneur, owns Telegram. Durov co-founded the platform along with his brother Nikolai Durov in 2013. Durov is best known for creating VK, Russia’s largest social networking site, often called the Russian Facebook. Durov clashed with Russian authorities over content control and user privacy and stepped down from his tenure as CEO. He used his savings to create Telegram. Telegram has yet to be profitable, as it never prioritized profits. The application survived on investments, donations, advertising revenue, and limited revenue from premium subscriptions. Since 2020, Telegram has introduced sponsored messages on prominent public channels with over 1,000 subscribers. Users with a premium subscription have an ad-free experience. In 2018, Telegram initiated the Telegram Open Network (TON) project with its native token, Gram (GRM).The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a lawsuit against Telegram, alleging it was conducting an illegal securities offering. Telegram ultimately shut down the project in May 2020. Despite Telegram abandoning TON, the developer community took charge. A community-driven blockchain named Free TON emerged in May 2020 with its token, TON Crystal (TON) ( later rebranded to Toncoin). Free TON became an open-source project, fostering the development of DeFi features, NFT marketplaces, and wallet integrations. Telegram founder Pavel Durov announced an ad platform built on the TON blockchain in February 2024. Channel owners will receive 50% of ad revenue in Toncoin (TON), potentially driving user adoption and token value. This recent development has revitalized interest in TON with a significant price increase. Recently, Telegram also launched a business subscription, for business messaging to compete with WhatsApp Business.
Telegram Features
One of Telegram’s standout features is its focus on security. It uses end-to-end encryption to ensure that messages and media shared on the platform remain private and secure. Telegram allows users to create group chats with up to 200,000 members. Additionally, it offers channels and one-way communication platforms that will enable users to broadcast messages to many subscribers. Telegram supports sharing various types of media, including photos, videos, documents, and voice messages. It also provides unlimited cloud storage for users to store their media files, eliminating the need for external storage devices. Telegram has a unique feature called bots, which are automated programs that can perform various tasks within the app. Users can interact with bots to get information, play games, or even automate specific actions. Telegram allows third-party developers to create bots and integrate their services into the platform. This open API approach has led to the development of a wide range of valuable bots and integrations that enhance the functionality of Telegram.