How to Create an About Us Page

About Us Page Ideas

By providing information about the company, its history, values, and team, the About Us page builds transparency, which is key to earning user trust. The About Us page is an opportunity to showcase a brand’s voice and tone, helping to establish a personality that connects with the audience. The page can highlight what makes the company unique, helping to differentiate it from competitors. The page also provides an opportunity to enhance a company’s credibility and reputation.

Mission Statement

Tiktok’s mission statement on its About Us page communicates its identity and goals. A mission statement conveys a company’s purpose and values, helping visitors quickly understand what the business stands for and aims to achieve. It can also differentiate a business from competitors by highlighting its unique purpose.

Our Values

Meta communicates what it stands for by listing its core values. Your core values can help you stand out from the competition and attract customers who share your values.


Cadbury connects with its customers through storytelling.

Adding an inspirational story to your About Us page is a great way to connect with your audience on a deeper level, communicate your company’s values and mission more personally, and inspire your customers and employees.


The New York Times added a timeline to its history page to show the company’s history. A timeline gives users an overview of your company’s evolution and important milestones, and it can be a lovely addition to your About Us story.

Corporate Social Responsibility

O’Neill lists a variety of CSR initiatives on their website.

CSR is becoming increasingly important to stakeholders, and businesses can set a positive example by clearly communicating their CSR goals, objectives, and achievements. Listing CSR initiatives on an About Us page shows that they are embedded in the company’s DNA and essential to its mission.

Facts/ Stats

Airbnb lists statistics on its About Us page to demonstrate its credibility, establish its position in the hospitality industry, and provide objective evidence of its success. Facts and statistics on an About Us page lend credibility to a company’s claims and provide objective evidence of its accomplishments.

Location/Contact Information

Tencent’s About Us page lists different office locations worldwide and contact information. Listing location and contact information helps customers reach you and increases trust.


Cloudinteract adds partners to its website. Adding high-profile partners to your About Us page boosts your reputation. It shows potential partners that you are a well-established business and gives them a better understanding of the types of companies you work with.

Customer Stories / Testimonials

Adobe lists different customer stories on its About us page. Customer stories and testimonials can help you show potential customers how your products or services have helped other customers solve their problems or achieve their goals. Testimonials or customer stories can help you connect with your audience emotionally and build a stronger relationship with them.


Nike adds stories to their About Us page to showcase exciting collaborations and stories. Adding a news section to your About Us page is a great way to share updates about your company, such as new products and services, awards and recognition, and upcoming events. This can help visitors stay engaged with your company and learn more about what you’re doing.

Our Team

Alibaba Group lists its team members on its About Us page to illustrate the expertise and leadership behind the company. This approach helps build trust and credibility by demonstrating the team’s qualifications. It also makes the company seem more open and friendly to customers, investors, and business partners.

Tips and Requirements

  • List all team members, complete with professional photos and detailed descriptions of their roles (e.g., CEO, CTO). This humanizes your brand and builds trust.
  • Create a visually appealing layout that mixes multimedia elements like images, videos, and graphics. Create white space for readability and a clean, modern look.
  • If you add your mission, vision, or values, develop specific statements beyond generic terms like “quality” or “customer service.”
  • Research your competition and get inspiration.

For your projects, you can access free images and AI-generated visuals from Unsplash (Unsplash), Pixabay (Pixabay), Pexels (Pexels), Flickr Commons (Flickr), Adobe Stock’s free collection (Adobe Stock), or use AI tools like Deep Dream Generator (Deep Dream), DALL-E Mini now known as Craiyon (Craiyon), Artbreeder (Artbreeder), Midjourney (Midjourney), etc.