Develop a Content Marketing Strategy


Content marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a specific audience. Instead of directly promoting a brand, product, or service, content marketing aims to provide the target audience with valuable information, entertainment, or education. The ultimate goal is building trust, establishing brand authority, and fostering long-term customer relationships. Content Marketing also helps to drive organic traffic to a web application.

Content marketing can take various forms, including blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, infographics, and social media posts. The content created in content marketing is tailored to address the target audience’s needs, interests, and pain points. Businesses can attract and retain a loyal audience by delivering valuable content, ultimately driving profitable customer action.

Identify and Research your Target Audience

Determine your target audience, ask yourself:

  • What are my audience demographics? Start with the basics, such as age, gender, income, and geographic location.
  • What are my audiences’ online behaviors? For instance, what social media platforms do they use most often? What businesses do they follow, and how do they use the information they find? 
  • What are their interests? What trends are likely to affect them and their habits?
  • What do you know about their lifestyle? For example, what is their life stage? What challenges do they face?

Quantitative research involves gathering data, which can be obtained from sources such as surveys, website analytics, CRM, e-commerce stores, and third-party sites. By analyzing statistics from clients and target markets, you can segment audiences, predict trends, and gain insights to make informed business decisions. 

Qualitative research, on the other hand, involves understanding the opinions and motivations of the target market. This can be done through in-depth interviews, focus groups, and other formats. Insights from qualitative research help uncover people’s challenges, opinions, and motivations. It also provides an opportunity to connect with customers personally and ask follow-up questions to understand who they are truly.

Customer analysis is an ongoing process; there will always be more to learn.

  • TikTok Audience Insights: TikTok offers an easy-to-use audience insights tool to explore your audience.
  • Facebook Audience Insights: Facebook Audience Insights is a tool that allows you to get detailed information about your target audience. You can use it to gather demographics, interests, behaviors, and more data. This tool can also help you find new audiences that are similar to your current ones
  • X Analytics: Using X analytics dashboards, companies can learn about audience demographics and interests.
  • Instagram Insights: Instagram provides insights for business accounts, which includes data on reach, engagement, and follower demographics. It also offers insights into the performance of individual posts, stories, and IGTV videos.
  • LinkedIn Analytics: LinkedIn offers a built-in analytics tool that provides data on page views, engagement, follower demographics, and the performance of sponsored content and campaigns.
  • YouTube Analytics: YouTube provides detailed analytics for video creators, including data on views, watch time, engagement, and demographics of the audience. It also offers insights into the performance of ads and the revenue generated from them.
  • Pinterest Analytics: Pinterest offers an analytics tool that provides data on impressions, saves, clicks, and engagement. It also allows businesses to track the performance of promoted pins and campaigns.
  • WeChat Mini Program Analytics: WeChat Mini Programs analytics tools can help businesses understand their users and optimize their Mini Programs

Tools such as Google Analytics, Similarweb, or Semrush can enhance your understanding of website visitors, competitors, and social media audiences. 

Set Goals.

S.M.A.R.T. goals for content marketing are essential for measuring the success of your marketing efforts. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

  • Specific: Your goals should be clear and specific. For example, a goal to increase your subscribers by 10% within the next three months
  • Measurable: Your goals should be measurable so that you can track your progress and determine if you are on track to meet your objectives.
  • Achievable: Your goals should be realistic and achievable, considering your available resources and capabilities.
  • Relevant: Your goals should be relevant to your overall business objectives and align with your marketing strategy. For example, if your business objective is to increase sales, your content marketing goal could be to increase website traffic from organic search by 25% within the next quarter.
  • Time-bound: Your goals should have a specific timeframe for completion. This will help you stay focused and accountable for achieving your objectives.

Marketing Funnel

TOFU: Top of the funnel. In this stage of the buying process, a company wants to create awareness and introduce the brand to the customer.

MOFU: Middle of the funnel. In this stage, the objective is to foster and direct leads toward becoming qualified customers, emphasizing the expansion of their interest and enhancing their understanding of your product’s value.

BOFU: Converting potential customers into actual customers is the main objective at the bottom of the funnel.

Top of the Funnel

At the top of the Funnel, potential customers are first becoming aware of your brand or product. They may be experiencing a problem or need, but they have yet to look for a solution actively. TOF marketing is an essential part of the overall marketing funnel, as it helps to generate new leads and move them into the middle of the Funnel. However, it’s important to note that TOF marketing is not just about generating leads. It’s also about educating potential customers about your brand and its value proposition. Doing so can build trust and position yourself as the go-to solution for their needs.


  • Content marketing involves creating informative and entertaining content to attract and engage the target audience.
  • Social Media Marketing: Leveraging social media platforms to reach a broad audience and create brand awareness.
  • Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with influencers in your industry to increase brand awareness.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): optimizing website content to rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for people to discover your brand organically.
  • Online Advertising: Using paid online ads (such as Google Ads or social media ads) to increase brand visibility among a specific demographic
  • Public Relations: Generating media coverage, press releases, and other PR activities to increase brand visibility and credibility,
  • Events and Sponsorships: Participating in or sponsoring events to get your brand in front of a live audience
  • Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influencers and thought leaders in your industry to reach their followers and build brand awareness.

TOF Content Marketing

  • Blog Posts: Informative articles made to attract customers by sharing valuable content and making the brand trustworthy, designed to show up on search engines.
  • Infographics, or maps: Simple graphics that make complicated information easy to understand, helping people notice and learn about the brand. Example: Nike’s Manufacturing Map
  • E-books: detailed content that gives valuable knowledge and answers, provided in exchange for contact details to keep in touch with potential customers.
  • Webinars & Podcasts: Interesting audio and video content displaying expertise, building trust, and finding potential customers
  • Videos: Short, exciting videos that create an emotional connection, sparking interest and reaching more people for the brand.

Middle of the Funnel

MOFU is the stage in the marketing funnel where potential customers have moved beyond the initial awareness stage and are now seriously considering your product or service. They seek more detailed information about your offering, including features, benefits, pricing, and customer reviews.MOFU marketing aims to nurture these leads and move them closer to the bottom of the Funnel (BOFU), where they are ready to make a purchase.


  • Content marketing: Create and distribute high-quality content relevant to your target audience and addressing their pain points. This could include blog posts, ebooks, white papers, case studies, webinars, and more.
  • Email marketing: Create a newsletter sign-up form on your website. Segment your email list and send targeted emails to your leads based on their interests and stage in the Funnel. 
  • Social Media: use social media analytics to discover more about your users and create content that inspires them. Create online communities and boost engagement using quizzes, competitions, and exciting news. Advertisements target potential customers who have already shown interest in your offering.
  • PPC and Display ads: using data to create targeted ads on search engines and content networks. 
  • Promotions: offer demos, discounts, offers, and trials to convert leads.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Partner with affiliates who can promote your product or service to their audience in exchange for a commission.

MOF Content Marketing

  • Case studies are real-world examples of how your product or service has helped other customers. They can be a powerful way to demonstrate the value of your offering and build trust with potential customers.
  • FAQS: Good FAQ pages are built to answer essential questions and convince customers.
  • Webinars: Webinars are a great way to provide in-depth information about your product or service to a large audience. They can also be used to answer questions and address concerns.
  • Reviews and testimonials: reading unbiased reviews and testimonials can persuade users to buy from you. 
  • Ebooks, templates, and white papers: Ebooks, templates, and white papers are longer-form content pieces that provide detailed information on a specific topic. They can be a great way to educate potential customers about your product or service and establish yourself as an expert.
  • Personalized email campaigns: segment your target audience and send them relevant email campaigns to encourage them to buy your product. 
  • Interactive Content: Use tools like quizzes, calculators, or assessments to engage leads and provide personalized recommendations.

Bottom of the Funnel

The Bottom of the Funnel represents the stage where leads are very close to making a purchase decision. They’re past the awareness and consideration phases and are now in the decision-making phase. BOFU’s strategies are focused on conversion, reassuring leads, and ensuring they have all the information they need to become loyal paying customers.


  • Promotions: offer demos, discounts, offers, and trials to convert leads.
  • Money-back Guarantees: Reassuring leads by eliminating financial risk if they aren’t satisfied.
  • Sales call: Direct one-on-one sessions to address specific concerns or to provide tailored advice.
  • Product Demonstrations: Live sessions or demos that showcase the product or service functionality and benefits.
  • Customer Support and Service: Offering immediate assistance or post-purchase support as a selling point.
  • Content marketing: in-depth information, tutorials, success stories, implementation guides, ROI calculators.

BOF Content Marketing

  • Success Stories: Detailed narratives of customers who have benefited from the product/service.
  • Product Tutorials: Step-by-step guides or videos that showcase how to use a product or service effectively.
  • FAQ Videos or Articles: Comprehensively addressing common final-stage questions.
  • Behind-the-scenes Content: Showcasing how a product is made or offering insights into company values and culture.
  • User-generated Content: Promoting reviews, testimonials, or stories from actual users to provide social proof.
  • Webinars: Deep dives into product features or expert discussions that offer more insight into the product/service’s value.
  • Implementation Guides: Detailed content on how to get started or integrate a product/service.
  • ROI Calculators or Cost Analysis: Tools or articles that help showcase the financial value or savings of a product/service.

Select your Channels.

Selecting the proper content marketing channels is crucial for the success of your content marketing strategy. The best channels for your brand will depend on your target audience, your goals, the type of content you produce, and your resources.
To shape your content marketing strategy, identify the kind of content you’ll produce: videos, blogs, or podcasts. Then, select platforms optimized for these formats, like YouTube for videos or Spotify for Podcasters for podcasters.

Measure your Performance.

Measure the performance of your content marketing. Analyze key metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Use tools like Google Analytics to track the success of your content. On your website or blog, measuring total visits, page views, unique visitors, session duration, and bounce rates, can provide valuable insights. We can also track the top viewed pages, and posts, and analyze the comments, and shares. Websites such as Similar Web can provide additional insights about traffic sources, and referring websites in your industry. Additionally, monitoring social media metrics like followers, likes, shares, and comments can help gauge the impact of your content marketing efforts. Evaluating email marketing metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates can also provide valuable data. Conduct A/B testing on different content formats, headlines, and visual elements to optimize your content strategy for better performance. Regularly reviewing and analyzing these metrics can help you make data-driven decisions and improve the effectiveness of your content marketing campaigns.